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 HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands

In jos 
2 participanți

Numarul mesajelor : 52
Data de inscriere : 06/10/2013

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Empty
MesajSubiect: HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands   HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Icon_minitimeDum Oct 06 2013, 09:24

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi
Players: 8 / 50
Ping: 10
Mode: Romania
Map: G-Promote Lands
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 25
Data de inscriere : 10/01/2013

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands   HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Icon_minitimeDum Oct 06 2013, 09:24

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands NdBmIw1

[size=135]Bun venit in cadrul comunitatii noastre "VibePlay".Toata comunitatea a luat nastere de la un singur server "SAMP.VIBEPLAY.RO ( )".Serverul samp.vibeplay.ro( a fost infiintat in luna iulie 2012.In doar 3 luni, in timpul vacantei, s-a atins si recordul de 137 playeri pe server. Calitatile care au adus serverul intr-un timp atat de scurt, pe linia de front, printre primele 10 servere de sa:mp din Romania, sunt seriozitatea, si devotamentul fondatorilor si al staff-ului in a administra si a oferi conditii cat mai bune de joc pentru playeri. [/size]

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands EoM5JJs

O sa va prezentam pe scurt,toate serverele,sau mai putin,mai detaliat principalul server.

Serverul nostru de Team Fortress 2

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Banner

Una dintre putinele comunitati cu un astfel de server,intrati si voi,un server minunat,inca se cauta Admine.

Serverele noastre de Counter Strike

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Banner

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Banner

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Banner

Se cauta Admini seriosi,veniti cu toti prietenii,nu veti regreta.Pentru cereri Admine contactati pe forum - Tw3st3r/LordX/xtreamer

Serverul nostru de Minecraft

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Banner

Intrati cu prietenii si construiti-va imperii dinp pamant si piatra:))

Serverul nostru de Team Speak 3

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands B_560_95_1

Puteti avea canalul vostru cu o cerere pe forum,sau un contact la Jitarel/Gabrel.

Serverul nostru de SA:MP

[img:24bd]http://HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Banner

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Ap6xjm
DNS SAMP.VibePlay.ro /
Forum: www.vibeplay.ro
Facebook: www.facebook.com/vibeplay.ro

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Banner_720_80
Avem de asemenea si:
server Role-Play:DNS: RP.VibePlay.ro
server Trucking:DNS: Truck.VibePlay.ro
server Stunt:DNS: Stunt.VibePlay.ro

Serverul samp.vibeplay.ro , detine in momentul de fata si un biz de inchiriat baloane cu aer cald. Vizitati serverul daca doriti sa vedeti bizul.

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 2jdhzc5

Samp.Vibeplay.ro ---VibePlay:Godfather Ls-LV Cel mai tare server Godfather-Click

Acest server este GodFather , urmariti mai jos o mica prezentare :


National Guard

The Mafia
The Triads
Las Venturas Vagos
Varios Los Aztecas
Grove Street


-Detective (Detectiv)
-Lawyer (Avocat) $
-Car Mechanic (Mecanic de masini)
-Bodyguard (Garda de corp)
-Car Dealer (Vanzator de masini) $
-Trucker (Camionagiu)
-Garbeage Collector (Gunoier) $
-Paper Boy (Ziarist)
-Instructor $$$
-Medic $ [/color]

-Arms Dealer (Traficant de arme) $$$
-Drug Dealer (Traficant de droguri) $$
-Car Jacker (Spargator de masini) $

Eventuri automate : Curse masini - /join , Primul care tasteaza un anumit cuvant castiga,
Hunting Event , Money Bag, Nrg Event - care se acceseaza prin /joinnrgevent , primul la CP-ul rosu castiga $$ , , Curse cu vaci
..in curand mai multe
Eventuri zilnice : MonsterTruck, DestructionDerby, Deagle, Last Man Standing,Last Car Standing, Hide'N'Sseek
Fast-eventuri si multe altele organizate de catre STAFF zilnic !

1.Pe server exista Need For Speed CLUB

Rank-urile se dau pe baza la Bounty Points care se face prin WANTED!
2. Avem eventul cu servieta din 10 in 10 minute!
3.Multe animatii /animlist
4.Poti sa vorbesti prin /whisper /w
5. Un sistem de Masini personale /v create, /v model , /v park /v color --> De la orice level .
6. Avem un Event unic ! HUNTING EVENT !

7. Let`s GO ! Samp.VibePlay.Ro

[size=14pt]Poze server :[/size]
** Last Car Standig Event ( AUTOMAT) **
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 10rqqup

** Curse motoare (AUTOMATE) **
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Wswmrs

**NFS Club**
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands KUHVoIQ

**NRG Club**
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 0XVraWI
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands SEjp4rc

**Dark Night kiLLer**
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 33021650

[size=12pt]Las venturas[/size] :
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 50818424
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 92089543

[size=12pt]Spawn civili LV:[/size]
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 43404252

[size=12pt]Curse Automate:[/size] :

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 53223030

[size=12pt]Curse & Pariuri:[/size] :
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 57970360
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands 2a0m0q0

[size=12pt]Samp.VibePlay.ro [/size] :
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands Samp040rp

Campionatul de HaxBall

HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands YYsTwHW

Inscrieri la campionat pana pe data de 10.04.2013,premii pe serverul principal,daca sunteti destul de multi,premii chiar foarte mari!!
Sus In jos
HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands
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» HostName: G-Promote Duminica 21:00 LVL up alegem2Helperi Address: Players: 8 / 50 Ping: 10 Mode: Romania Map: G-Promote Lands

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