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 HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address: samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players: x / 50 Ping: 18 Mode: GamesIasi GF Map: San Andreas

In jos 

Numarul mesajelor : 31
Data de inscriere : 03/05/2013

HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address:  samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players:  x / 50 Ping:     18 Mode:     GamesIasi GF Map:      San Andreas Empty
MesajSubiect: HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address: samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players: x / 50 Ping: 18 Mode: GamesIasi GF Map: San Andreas   HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address:  samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players:  x / 50 Ping:     18 Mode:     GamesIasi GF Map:      San Andreas Icon_minitimeDum Mai 05 2013, 15:30

HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address:  samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players:  x / 50 Ping:     18 Mode:     GamesIasi GF Map:      San Andreas Kasr4

HostName: Samp.Gamesiasi.Ro # GodFather
Address: samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777
Players: x / 50
Ping: 15
Mode: GamesIasi GF
Map: San Andreas

• Pe serverul GamesIasi GF Server [0.3x] vi sa te distrezi , in timpul liber si sa legi prietenii cu oameni de milioane!

O mica descriere a serverului ar fi :

14 Factiuni + 2 Cluburi

1. Police department
2. Federal Bureau of Investigation[F.B.I]]
3. National Guard
4. Medics
5. Taxi Company
6. News Reporter
7. School Instructor
8. Hitman Agency
9. The Mafia
10.The Triads
11.Los Santos Vagos
12.Varios los Aztecas
13.Grove Street


Nrg Club
Nfs Club

Pentru a intra in una dintre aceste factiuni ai nevoie de aplicatie pe forum +

Mafii - lvl 2
Ganguri - lvl 2
Factiuni care mentin legea -lvl 3
Factiuni pasnice -lvl 1
Cluburi - lvl 5

-Detective (Detectiv)
-Lawyer (Avocat)
-Car Mechanic (Mecanic de masini)
-Bodyguard (Garda de corp)
-Car Dealer (Vanzator de masini)
-Bus Driver (Conducator de autobuz)
-Trucker (Camionagiu)
-Paper Boy (Ziarist)

-Arms Dealer (Traficant de arme)
-Drug Dealer (Traficant de droguri)
-Car Jacker (Spargator de masini

Eventuri zilnice cu premii pe masura

CT vs T
Last Car Standing
mini evets /devent /m4event /mlevent /gevent si multe altele
Gun Game Event
derby destruction HUNTER
Eventuri precum:
Hunt event
Stunt event

Sistem de war

• Exista un sistem de war pe server apare scorul la final cine a castigat , castigatorii vor primi 50.000 $ , 5000 de materiale , 500 de droguri
La sfarsitul warului apare cel mai bun Killer la fiecare alianta , la war poti folosi comenzile /scorewar /wartime exista si o comanda /warstats
kilurile apar la war kills la /stats doar in timpul warului

Nrgul este free
Pentru a vorbi cu fiecare player poti folosi /w nume text...la lvl 2
La level mare ai sansa de a lua lider la o factiune.
Cand ai nevoie de ceva folosesti /report sau /needhelp, iar unul din membrii staffului o sa vina la tine.
Pe GamesIasi GF Server [0.3x] Daca vrei sa fii cineva trebuie sa faci parte dintr-o factiune.
Aici gasiti cele mai bune eventuri.

samp.gamesiasi.ro go go go Best Server

Va uram distractie placuta !

Owneri: Syned & sNaKe

Reclama By xAk47x
Multumiri sNaKe & DanieL
Sus In jos
HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address: samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players: x / 50 Ping: 18 Mode: GamesIasi GF Map: San Andreas
Pagina 1 din 1
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» HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address: samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players: x / 50 Ping: 18 Mode: GamesIasi GF Map: San Andreas
» HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address: samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players: x / 50 Ping: 18 Mode: GamesIasi GF Map: San Andreas
» HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address: samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players: x / 50 Ping: 18 Mode: GamesIasi GF Map: San Andreas
» HostName: GAMESIASI: The Godfather Server [0.3x] Address: samp.gamesiasi.ro:7777 Players: x / 50 Ping: 18 Mode: GamesIasi GF Map: San Andreas

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